How To Upload More Media In Google Photos For Free After Google Account Storage Gets Full

Google Photos, I am pretty much sure that this name is not unknown to you if you are using an Android smartphone. Well, everyone uses Google Photos to save their sweet memories on the cloud with the security of Google and to avoid the risk of loosing them if anything bad happens to your devices. Everything was pretty smooth till 1st of June 2021, when we had unlimited storage in Google Photos. But from 1st June 2021, Google ended its unlimited free storage and put a cap of 15 GB on your account storage. Now, if this limit is exceeded, the additional storage will have to be purchased from the company.

Now, before coming to the point, let us know some useful information by Google.

What counts against your storage quota

  • Original quality photos and videos backed up to Google Photos.
  • High quality (now named Storage saver) and Express quality photos and videos backed up to Google Photos after June 1, 2021. Any photos or videos you've backed up in High quality or Express quality before June 1, 2021 will not count toward your Google Account storage. Learn more about this change.
  • Gmail messages and attachments, which includes your Spam and Trash folders.
  • Files in Google Drive, which includes PDFs, images, and videos.
  • Files created or edited in collaborative content creation apps like Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard.
  • Files created or edited after June 1, 2021 count against your quota.
  • Files uploaded or last edited before June 1, 2021 don't count against your quota.

What happens when you're over quota

When you’re over quota, it means you use more storage space than you have available. If you go over your storage quota:
  • You can’t upload new files or images to Google Drive.
  • You can't back up any photos and videos to Google Photos.
  • Your ability to send and receive email in Gmail can be impacted.
  • You can’t create new files in collaborative content creation apps like Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard. Until you reduce your storage usage, nobody can edit or copy your affected files.
  • You can sign into and access your Google Account.

If you’re over your quota for 2 years or longer:

If you don't free up or purchase more space to get back under quota, all of your content may be removed from Gmail, Google Photos, and Google Drive (this includes Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard files). But before that happens, we:
  • Give you notice using email and notifications within the Google products. We will contact you at least three months before content is eligible for deletion.
  • Give you the opportunity to avoid deletion (by paying for additional storage or removing files)
  • Give you the opportunity to download your content from our services. Learn more about how to download your Google data.

So, that was all of the information provided Google. Now, coming to the point, this is how you can avoid purchase of subscription and paying Google monthly or yearly for your media to be stored on cloud.

Just follow the steps given below to achieve what you are here for.

1. Read article at to know how to delete all media that has been backed up with Google Photos.

2. Now you will only have that media in your phone which is to be backed up, but your account storage is full. Now, what you have to do is to create a new Google Account on your phone.

3. After creating the account, now open Google Photos App.

4. Click on your profile image present on the top right corner of your screen.

5. Click Photos Settings.

6. Click Backup and Sync

7. Now, click on your current backup account shown.

8. A pop-up will appear, showing you all of your Google accounts on your device along with the new one.

8. Now, choose the newly created account for backup.

That's it. Now you have got another free 15 GB storage for your upcoming selfies and other media. You can repeat this procedure every time your storage gets full.
Hope it helped you. Thank you for giving Ackors a few minutes from your precious time. Cheers!


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